This e-book, “My Mind Is No Longer My Own,” was named this after my mom told my sister and I exactly this on vacation.
I had been noticing signs of dementia and knew what would come. This book gives you a quick, but needed little background in dementia and what your loved one or patient may be seeing, fearing and feeling and what you can do to help them feel safer and happier.
You will be given a toolbox of quick tips to help you along the way and what signs to look for to help you better understand them.
In this second-edition, I have added the last section on “Self-Care for the Caregiver.” This is one, if not the most important section in this little book. You have to take care of yourself so that you can take care of them, at your highest level. Too many caregivers forget themselves because they are too busy. I’ve been there… you learn to MAKE the time; not only for you but also for the one you are caring for.
I hope you enjoy this book and keep a notebook to add all your own tips.